Written by Michael Wendland and Ian Glass, co-founders of Intalayer

January 2022

This is the story of how we founded and ran a VC backed startup and why we decided to close down.

The past two years as startup founders have been the most intense, exciting and emotional learning experience of our lives.

Recently, however, we made the difficult decision to close down Intalayer.

We want to thank our 3rd co-founder, Dain, our early employees, investors, customers and everyone who supported us.

Now, we can reflect on our experience with the clarity of hindsight, recognise what we achieved and crystallise our learnings. We hope that learning from our mistakes will increase our probability of success when we start another company.

This is quite a detailed write up but we believe in transparency and that lessons lie in the detail.

If you’re a former, current or aspiring founder, we hope our story will benefit your journey. Please contact us (Michael & Ian) if you’d like to ask any questions directly.


Founders: 3

Fundraising: $480,000 (AUD)

Operating timeline: 2 years 2 months

10 hard lessons we learned

<aside> 💡 Of the countless lessons we learned, these 10 stand out as shaping our story
